Strengthening Medicare Taskforce Report issued

MPHN and the firstHealth Board have welcomed the Australian Government’s recent release report of the Strengthening Medicare Taskforce.

MPHN’s CEO Melissa Neal said the report is encouraging and outlines a range of recommendations aimed at improving health outcomes for people in our communities.

“We know there are several challenges and complexities with the primary health care system, and I am pleased this report and it’s various recommendations consider these. However, they will take time to implement,” Ms Neal said.

“Locally, we know our primary health clinicians and workforce work tirelessly to support the health and wellbeing of their patients despite the challenges within the system.

“I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge their dedication and commitment to improving health outcomes, and I look forward to working with our local primary healthcare workforce to support the implementation of the various recommendations outlined in this report.”

During the last six months the established taskforce were tasked with identifying the most pressing investments needed in primary care, building on the direction outlined in Australia’s Primary Health Care 10 Year Plan 2022–2032 (the 10 Year Plan).

The recommendations as outlined in this report progresses the implementation of the 10 Year Plan with a focus on:

1.       Increasing access to primary care

2.       Encouraging multidisciplinary team-based care

3.       Modernising primary care

4.       Supporting change management and cultural change

To read the full report click here.

To read the government statement on the release of this report click here.

To read the 10 Year Plan click here.

MPHN will provide updates on how the recommendations will be progressed as further information becomes available.

Cristy Houghton