Murrumbidgee Lifestyle and Weight Management Program

The Murrumbidgee Lifestyle and Weight Management Program has been co-designed by a local allied health provider, LiveBetter (formerly CareWest), eight general practices and MPHN. The program is based on current clinical practice guidelines for management of overweight and obesity in adults, adolescents, and children in Australia.

Eight practices from across the four MPHN sectors have worked with LiveBetter and MPHN to identify ways to improve their current processes for supporting people with lifestyle change and weight management. This process also includes how practices can improve their regular recording of BMI and waist circumference to help identify people who need support with losing weight.

Feedback from patients was sought as part of the co-design for this program; with participants indicating coaching and regular face to face support, along with the provision of information, would be beneficial in helping to manage weight and lifestyle.

The program will target adults (18 years and over) with a BMI ≥ 30 and less than 40 and involves five sessions covering nutrition and physical activity, with a focus on using practical and evidence-based behaviour change methods.

Practices have flexibility in the way they choose to implement the program, taking into account their current workforce capacity and access to allied health services. Practices have participated in health coaching training and will be supported by an expert panel during the delivery of the program.

An additional four practices are currently being sought to deliver the program.

Pictured below: Co-design workshop with general practices, LiveBetter, and MPHN.

Cristy Houghton