MPHN highlights importance of Men’s Health Week

In the Murrumbidgee region statistics show fewer males visit their GP for their mental health when compared with the national average. This Men’s Health Week (13 to 19 June), MPHN is encouraging males to prioritise their health. 

Retired banker, farmer and MPHN’s Tell it Well storyteller Peter McCallum says visiting a doctor for regular health checks is important, regardless of age or if concerns are about your physical or mental health.

“Stress and depression were a daily struggle throughout my life, and it affected not only me, but the people close to me,” Mr McCallum said.

“I visited my doctor feeling something was wrong but unsure of what it was. I was referred to Black Dog clinic at Wagga Base Hospital to focus on my mental health. The staff were terrific as I could connect with them which made me relax. Since then, my whole life changed for the better.

“There are plenty of ways to get help and help yourself – from making simple lifestyle changes and a bit of exercise, to medications – but you’ve got to get out and talk to people. Talk to friends and family, talk to a professional.”

Acting MPHN CEO Narelle Mills said Men’s Health Week highlights the importance of physical, mental, and emotional health in men, boys and transgender males around the Murrumbidgee region.

“It’s about building healthy environments for all males by focusing on creating and maintaining physically, mentally and emotionally healthy surroundings in the home, workplace and in social settings,” Ms Mills said.

“A diverse range of males in our communities need their voices and health needs heard through respectful and inclusive actions. Everyone needs to help reduce stigma around males seeking professional help and make it a normal part of our everyday conversations.”

Peter McCallum’s Tell It Well story and video can be viewed here.

Cristy Houghton