New suicide prevention campaign launched

Four local Murrumbidgee residents have joined with the Murrumbidgee Local Response Group to encourage community members who are in crisis to STOP and pick up the phone as part of a new suicide prevention campaign.

The campaign, featuring a television commercial and social media content, was developed by Murrumbidgee Local Response Group, comprising Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network (MPHN), Murrumbidgee Local Health District (MLHD), Wellways, NSW Police and NSW Ambulance, and will begin airing in May.

Murrumbidgee Men’s Group co-founder Mr Rhys Cummins, who features in the campaign, said he was thrilled to be a part of this important message.

“When someone is having suicidal thoughts, it can be like tunnel vision. You can't seem to focus on anything else and it can be difficult to know what to do,” Mr Cummins said.

“The STOP Campaign encourages people who are experiencing suicidal thoughts to pause, take a breath and speak with someone before acting on these thoughts. Picking up the phone is crucial to get the support needed to overcome the tough times.”

MPHN Senior Manager System Integration Anita McRae, said the campaign is designed to provide a simple set of steps to address a crisis and provide options to get support.

“The Local Response Group recognises the importance of supporting anyone experiencing suicidal crisis. We know at times the pressures of life can become overwhelming for some people, and this can lead to thoughts of suicide. We need to continue normalising help seeking behaviour and reminding those who may be struggling the importance of connecting with support,” Ms McRae said.

“The campaign provides a simple message of hope and reminds people there is help available.”

Wellways Regional Manager Zoe Evans hopes the campaign will provide another option for those people who are experiencing suicidal crisis.

“When someone is experiencing crisis in their life it is important they have clear and concise steps to take to get support and stay safe,”

“The STOP process is easy to understand and encourages someone to acknowledge and respond to negative thoughts, stay calm and seek support in a methodical fashion.”

If you are experiencing suicidal crisis call Murrumbidgee Accessline on 1800 800 944, Lifeline on 13 11 14, or talk to someone you trust.