HILLSTON: Public Invitation: Get involved in shaping the future of healthcare in your community

Members of the public are invited to participate in an upcoming planning session with Executives from Murrumbidgee Local Health District (MLHLD) and Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network (MPHN).

The planning session has a dual purpose, with the MLHD and the MPHN also looking to re-establish the Local Health Advisory Committee (LHAC) in Hillston.

“We hope that people in the community who are interested in influencing and advocating for better health outcomes will participate in the session, and they may also wish to jump on board with the new committee,” said MPHN’s Senior Manager Population Health Planning and Data, Dr Jason Bennie.

“LHAC members are well respected for their contribution and in every aspect of the role they take on. The insights we get from LHAC members provide us with the most pressing health needs that are impacting specific areas in the Murrumbidgee, which do not always show up in the data,” Dr Bennie said.

The planning session will review local health data with a view to establishing local goals and projects based on what is most important to the community.

While the role of the MLHD and the MPHN are quite different, priority areas do overlap, and both organisations work closely to address the needs of the local communities. The role of the LHAC is critical in helping the MPHN and the MLHD understand priorities from a local perspective and both organisations work closely with the LHAC to support local initiatives.

The MPHN, which is federally funded, has responsibility for primary health care, while the state funded MLHD is responsible for acute health provision in the hospital setting.

Data used to guide the discussions is sourced from the Australian Bureau of Statistics and combined with the local health needs assessments carried out by the MPHN.


When: Thursday 30 March 2023 @ 9.30 am

Location: Hillston Multipurpose Service, 48C Burns Street

Anyone interested in participating in the upcoming planning session can RSVP to Setchen Brimson at setchen.brimson@health.nsw.gov.au or call 0477 359 764.


Anyone interested in being involved in the upcoming planning session can complete an expression of interest to join: www.mlhd.health.nsw.gov.au/get-involved or call 0477 359 764 for an application pack.

More information can be found on the MLHD website: https://www.mlhd.health.nsw.gov.au/get-involved/local-health-advisorycommittee-(lhac)

LHACCristy Houghton