MPHN 2019 Annual Report now available

MPHN have released its 2019 Annual Report showcasing its various work using a person-centred approach.

CEO, Melissa Neal said preparing an annual report provides an opportunity to reflect on achievements and assess future direction.

“While our funding for the financial year increased by $2 million, to $22 million, central to our many successes detailed within this report are people,” Ms Neal said.

“Sometimes in health it’s easy to take a conditions approach to delivering services. Yet, each condition is about people – the person with the condition, their family, friends and carers, their health professionals, and their communities.

“Taking a person-centred approach to all our work means we are listening to what people are telling are telling us, engaging with key partners to address concerns raised, and collaborating with the right people to ensure we are designing the right services and supports for people in our region.

“None of the work we’ve achieved would be possible without the dedication, flexibility and enthusiasm of our staff and various partners – both organisation and communities. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their valued contribution to our organisation and how together we continue to bring our vision of ‘Well People. Resilient Communities’ to life,” she said.

Read the full 2019 Annual Report here.

Read the 2019 Financial Statements here.

Cristy Houghton